When is the right time to repot my plants?
Repotting is a necessary step for being a plant parent.
But finding out the right timing is not necessary easy.
Here’s some simple ideas:
You see lots of roots coming through the drain hole (and grow constrained around the vase).
Your plant is not feeling well, regardless of the love you put in it.
repot -
It’s time for the plant to grow big!
These are some signs that tell you your plants need to be repotted.
By repotting, you’ll also provide your plants
-Better Watering
Not always we get the right mixture right as every plan may prefer a different type of grow medium. Take advantage to improve draining, or introducing more “mossy” mix to see how the plant reacts.
-Room to breathe means new growth
Roots, even if buried and hidden in the soil, need oxygen as much as the leaves do. A better pot+soil mix boosts growth way more than just adding nutrients to your plant.
-Disease control
Root rot is probably one of the main causes that kills our houseplants. When you repot, don’t be afraid to cut away dark/rotten roots.
Also, fungi, parasites can be treated better when you take a look “under the hood” 🙂
Missing confident in repotting your plant?
Don’t worry! contact Secretgardenivy for help!
Find the right soil mix for your plants.
How to water your plants the way they like?