Sphagnum moss
When working with different soil mixes, you may have heard about the praised properties of Sphagnum moss.
The Sphagnum moss has been an invaluable companion for orchid and plant growers.
The two main properties: moisture retention and aeration made this medium so famous.
Let’s learn more about the great properties of the Sphagnum moss.
To do so we need to look closer at the structure of this growing medium. This moss is recognisable for the long fibers growing out of a main stem. We usually can use it dried or in fresh batches.
The dried product acts like a sponge and it keeps moisture for a long time before drying out. The fibers spread the water in a uniform way and dry out slowly.
The spaces between the tissues act as small air chambers and are exceptional to let air flow between the roots of our loved plants.
If we use some Sphagnum moss in our soil mix we can strike a good balance between moisture and aeration.
How to use sphagnum moss?
Some of us may have encountered difficulties with moisture loving plants such as the Calatheas, ferns and anthuriums. Some remedies, made popular in social media, may not be the best solutions.
You may have tried using humidifiers and misting tools. Some of us tried trays with water and pebbles as the “cure” for dry soil. Those methods may be valid, but we may risk to end up clogging the soil in a un-breathe-able and water-logged growing medium.
For these scenarios, where humidity is key,
Sphagnum moss is a plant-life-saver. If we mix a balanced ratio of potting soil, perlite and sphagnum moss, we can ensure to have a balanced and airy growing medium.
There are also some cases where people use 100% of it and grow the plants in an equivalent soil-free environment.
This technique works well for most of the epiphytic plants (Monstera, Pothos, Anthurium, ferns).
One caveat to keep in mind is that a pure soil-less solution may lack of “structure” and ability to keep the plant firm inside the pot.
For that, depending on the size and weight of your houseplant, we recommend mixing the moss with coco-husks or fibers, Leca or some barks. These mediums will add weight and structure and still help retaining some moisture with aeration.
Ivy’s Secret Garden is proud to sell high quality Sphagnum moss.
We are currently using it in most of our aroid soil mixes including our own signature Jungle Mix.
If you like to purchase it from us or if you have your own and want to ask us some tips, feel free to reach us.
We would love to hear from you!
Check out our article When to repot your plants.
Jungle Mix Potting Soil19.50د.إ
Premium Grade Sphagnum Moss20.00د.إ