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Cat friendly indoor plants

What are the cat friendly plants safe to choose?


What plant can I buy that is safe for my cats? This is a very common question we get from our customers. No worries, there’s hope and the options are beautiful.

It’s worth to mention that every pet has different behaviour and attitude towards your houseplants. It’s very possible that your cat will react with only some initial curiosity and soon realise that the plant is not so interesting after all.

Some cats however see the plant like another interactive toy and you can imagine why: colours are vibrant, vines grow and dangle in motion when the wind blows and the scents are unique and bizarre for the curious pet.

If you’re lucky, your cat won’t be interested in the plant and soon get used to it. If you want to be 100% safe and sure, there are still some beautiful non-toxic options.

Our top cat friendly indoor plants:

Prayer Plant – (Maranta Leuconeura)

pet-friendly indoor plant
Prayer plant (Maranta Leuconeura)

The beautiful Prayer plant is a safe non-toxic and non poisonous plant and it’s considered a very safe choice. It’s also a unique flowering plant with large textured and velvety leaves.

Peacock Plant – (Calathea Makoyana)

 Peacock plant - Calathea Makoyana, pet-friendly indoor plant
Peacock plant – Calathea Makoyana

The Peacock plant (Calathea Makoyana) is a fast growing plant with large leaves. It’s a safe plant for your cat as it is completely non-toxic and very easy to take care. We can’t get enough of this plant and we love to arrange two or three in a wicker basket to create a beautiful green spot.

The leaves are also strong and resistant to cat scratches, bites and lovely licks 🙂

Spider plant – (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant - Chlorophytum comosum, pet-friendly indoor plant
Spider Plant – Chlorophytum comosum

Spider plants are perfect cat friendly plants. The long leaves can be bitten and chewed by your cat without any negative consequences. It’s also a very easy plant to care: Give it no water for a long time and you will see it surviving. Give it abundant water and witness a very fast growth. Also as a bonus, this plant can grow also outdoor in shaded areas. Tested by ourselves in Dubai.

We can find for you the right spider plant. It comes in various sizes and variations, so feel free to contact us if you require some for your home.

Rattlesnake plant – (Calathea lancifolia)

Calathea lancifolia - Calathea Rattlesnake, pet-friendly indoor plant
Calathea lancifolia – Calathea Rattlesnake

The calathea rattlesnake plant, similarly to other calathea it has dark green spots on the top side of the leaves. The bottom part is dark purple. We love this indoor plant as the shape of leaves is wavy and curvy and it’s a very forgiving plant. Ideal for beginners

Calathea Medallion

Calathea medallion, pet-friendly indoor plant
Calathea medallion

The calathea medallion is a pretty houseplant popular in Dubai. The leaves are round and large and the colours are so beautiful that it looks painted.
This calathea plant is not one of the easiest to grow. It requires hummidity and some little attention from time to time. It’s a very safe plant for cats and a stunning houseplant to have in your home.

Rattlesnake plant – (Calathea lancifolia)

Calathea lancifolia - Calathea Rattlesnake, pet-friendly indoor plant
Calathea lancifolia – Calathea Rattlesnake

The calathea rattlesnake plant, similarly to other calathea it has dark green spots on the top side of the leaves. The bottom part is dark purple. We love this indoor plant as the shape of leaves is wavy and curvy and it’s a very forgiving plant. Ideal for beginners

Sedum burrito – Baby donkey’s tail

Sedum burrito - baby donkey's tail, pet-friendly indoor plant
Sedum burrito – baby donkey’s tail

Sedum burrito is a succulent plant with fleshy blue and green leaves. These plants require very litte attention and care. If your cat plays with the leaves and break one of the stems, you can just replant it and get new baby plants.


The content of this page is not veterinary advice. A number of factors (amount of substance ingested, size of the animal) determine what is toxic to your cat. If you believe that your cat has ingested something potentially toxic, call immediately a veterinary clinic.

In Dubai

Read more about cat friendly plants for your home:

ASPCA list of non-toxic plants for cats.

Pet poison helpline (general poison list including popular houseplants)

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